The World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) 2017 celebration reminds us of its theme: “Celebrating life in the Spirit of Mercy and Compassion.”
In the midst of so much violence justified often by different ideologies, we, Muslims, Christians, and people of all living faiths and cultures express our solidarity to defend and protect life in this “wounded world” and commit ourselves to become “wounded healers” in this difficult time of climate change and violent ideologies that threaten all forms of life and deteriorate the ethical and moral values in contrast to the sanctity of life and the respect of Human Rights that we uphold to protect.
The WIHW is an initiative of the United Nations which guides humanity to reaffirm and promote love of God, love of Neighbor, and love of Common Good. It is a “Spiritual Reminder” for humanity that we reaffirm and promote.
Convinced of the importance of these values respected and treasured by cultures and religions as it is expressed in the “Golden Rule,” focused on “love,” we celebrate life in this special occasion and we encourage all to join in this mission that reaffirms the “common good.”
May God help us in this common mission of harmony, solidarity, and peace.