Harmony Prayer in English Version
O Lord, I cry for peace,
Purify my eyes to see peace,
Purify my mind to understand peace,
Purify my heart to love peace,
Purify my memory to work for peace;
The peace that comes from Your
love and compassion.
O Lord, sustain my vision of peace
following your inspiration,
You have many ways of revealing Your
presence and love for humanity,
But Your style is constant:
You are in dialogue with all,
You care for all.
Make me, O Lord, a sign of Your peace,
Living a life-in-dialogue with You
to understand Your silence
and seek Your presence;
In dialogue with myself
to rediscover the meaning of my life;
In dialogue with others
to move together in harmony with all;
And in dialogue with creation to
care for the earth.
Give me, O Lord, the courage to live in dialogue
in the midst of divisions and conflicts
and to build peace with all people
of sincere hearts who believe
in Your love and compassion.