About the Logo
The logo was designed by a famous Muslim artist, Rameer Tawasil (+). It symbolized the “Dove of Peace.” The colors of the dove represents the different continents and the globe in the middle represents the world religions and cultures. The hand with the plant is a reminder that we have one common home, Earth that each of us have to protect.
The focus of this primer is to continue the advocacy of Silsilah that started in 2008 with the protection of the Ayala Watershed in Zamboanga City through the “Friends of Zamboanga Watershed Movement” with the slogan, El agua es oro, El agua es vida.
This educational primer continues the same advocacy through the Dialogue with Creation Partners Movement in Zamboanga and the Dialogue with Creation Partners Week on national level.
Guided by the good results of the initiative that Silsilah has taken, starting in 2012 up to now, we promote the World Interfaith Harmony Week, an initiative of the United Nations in 2010 to promote the Love of God and the Love of Neighbor among people of different cultures and religions. We have been able to advocate through friends in politics to pass a republic act under the approval of President Benigno Aquino to introduce this celebration on national level. We have also asked the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines to endorse this initiative in all dioceses and we have created partner groups in different parts of the country forming UNI HARMONY PARTNERS in different cities.
This success story of partnerships is something we wish to do again for the urgent need of the DIALOGUE WITH CREATION. This commitment is urgent when we consider the alarming situation of climate change and the strong invitation of Pope Francis in “Laudato si” ” and “Fratelli Tutti”.
We consider this time as a new beginning and a kind or relaunching of the DIALOGUE WITH CREATION PARTNERS MOVEMENT. We already have a team of experts who are part of the core group of this new movement and partners from different groups, institutions and religions.
We can share more about this plan. Meanwhile, those who are interested in this partnership movement can express their solidarity and suggestions. Most probably, the special week of this celebration will be the first week of May every year.
We believe when the crisis is strong like the urgency to protect our Creation/Mother Earth the partnership becomes stronger. We are convinced that this partnership program have to be developed in areas and cities where partners can meet regularly and act together. This is the experience of the World Interfaith Harmony Week that we wish to apply for this specific concern, It will also help us to work together especially with people of different cultures and religions.
Guided by this background, on April, 2023 we have conducted in Harmony Village, Zamboanga City the second national gathering of the UNIHARMONY PARTNERS and together we have agreed to launched the DILAOGUE WITH CREATION PARTNERS WEEK.
We invite the partners promoting World Interfaith Harmony Week and others to celebrate the Dialogue with Creation Partners Week every first week of October. The celebration highlights the need of Dialogue with Creation as an essential aspect of interreligious dialogue.
The care for our common home is our shared goal and common responsibility.
During this week, the interfaith community will organize series of activities/programs to celebrate the beauty of mother earth and the need to protect and care for our common home through the dynamics of dialogue with creation.
For the Interfaith community,
- To raise awareness about the emergency condition of mother earth.
- To organize activities as expressions of solidarity and dialogue with creation.
- To foster friendship and advance common action between and among the interfaith communities for the care of our common home.
Here are some relevant videos on Dialogue with Creation