The United Nations (UN) Resolution of October 20, 2010 recognized “the imperative need for dialogue among different faiths and religions to enhance mutual understanding, harmony and cooperation among people.” This inspired the Silsilah Dialogue Movement to celebrate the World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) every first week of February. The groundbreaking celebration of the WIHW in Zamboanga City commenced in February 2012 and was participated in by different partners and groups.
The success of the 2012 celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) in Zamboanga City was overwhelming and motivating for the groups involved to continue to work together in carrying out future celebrations. The groups in Zamboanga City decided to form a loose association among themselves which they named United Nations Interfaith-Harmony Partners-Zamboanga (UNI-HP-Z). The experience of working together for the 2012 celebration brought the same groups in Zamboanga City to carry out the celebration every year up to now.