The Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) teachers were invited to attend the International training of trainers on Organizational Management, Instructional Mastery, Early Childhood Care and Education and FITRA – Arabic language learning. In the spirit of World Interfaith Harmony Week, teachers can always apply the theme “Dialogue towards Harmony” with their students and even their co-workers.
This program is significant because Madrasah teachers were gathered together and shared their experiences with the group. Silsilah also supported this activity not only because it is subjective but because ALIVE teachers play an important role in upbringing young Muslim children and to mold their values on how to be a better Muslim living the belief that Islam is a religion of Peace.
120 participants from DepEd ALIVE teachers attended the said activity to learn about the different topics to be discussed. This program was facilitated by Singaporean trainers.
With the spirit of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, Fr. Sebastiano D’Ambra, PIME gave the inspirational message focusing on the World Interfaith Harmony Week theme “Celebrating Dialogue towards Harmony.” He emphasized how this initiative was celebrated every first week of February of each year. He also mentioned the Corono Virus that affects the health of people. He then said that people can also be a “good virus” where one can radiate peace and harmony to others, to neighbors and to the society for the common good.
Hja. Sarah L. Handang also shared a message why this activity is significant for the World Interfaith Harmony Week. Aside from the idea that participants can learn, they can also apply the theme of the World Interfaith Harmony week which is “Dialogue towards Harmony”. After the inspiring message, she proudly mentioned that Singaporean visitors are there to also facilitate few topics for the participants.
A representative from the Coast Guard District South-western Mindanao also gave a very inspirational message to participants. He mentioned that he was once a Madrasah teacher and also had an experience of teaching children Valued Education in Madrasah. He shared how it has been a challenge but very fulfilling job to do especially it is like serving God by helping the young to know more about their religion.
The Singaporean Speaker also gave an inspirational message during the event. The speaker presented how they move with their initiative in Singapore and how they serve different offices and community.
Apparently, most of the presentation focuses on how they give training for different topics especially in school programs. The visitors are invited to be one of the trainers of the said activity. To experience learning from different nationality and culture is a good opportunity to the participants.
Lastly, the one who shared was inspired by the effort and nobility of the ALIVE teachers to reach despite being the less priority of DepEd. As expressed by the speaker, ALIVE teachers usually faced many challenges especially about financial and workloads. But still, they are happy because they are able to mold young Muslims to have better values.
This activity is significant for the participants because aside from learning different topics: Organizational Management, Instructional Mastery, Early Childhood Care and Education, and Arabic Language, the participants have also witnessed the efforts of the trainers who are from different cultures.
In line with the spirit of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, the activity gave the participants a place where they can learn for their academe and profession and also learn the beauty of solidarity and harmony among other cultures.
After this program, the group was divided into 4 clusters where they have deep learning on their respective topics. Silsilah Dialogue Movement accommodates the 3 day activity with the hope that with this collaboration, Muslim and Christian can strengthen their relationship in the future for the common good.