“In Touch” is the ongoing reflection that we started many years ago to share experiences from different parts of the world about the impact of the HARMONY CHAIN INITIATIVE that promotes the HARMONY PRAYER, a universal prayer. Silsilah in the year 2000 was inspired to promote the Harmony Prayer, alarmed by the conflict in Mindanao and the total war the government launched at that time.
This year (2025) we are committed to give special attention to the HARMONY CHAIN INITIATIVE and celebrating the 25th anniversary of this initiative that over the years has been spread in the Philippines and many other countries around the world.
Over the years many have committed to pray the Harmony Prayer and many also have committed to promote it in their own place: church, mosque, school, office, etc. as LINK MODERATORS.
With this spirit we encourage many to be in contact with us, promote the Harmony Prayer and share their initiative in their own place and country. At the same time, we will collect stories related to this initiative to be published in a book at the end of the year 2025.
The initiative to pray the Harmony Prayer in many languages is already an experience in many places. Please see the website, www.harmonylink.info to find the Harmony Prayer in many languages of the world.
Although this initiative was launched by Silsilah it is for all and people of different religions.
Harmony Chain Initiative is:
– An interfaith initiative of meditation and prayer for dialogue and peace.
– A spiritual chain of people of different cultures and religions
– A response to God’s dialogue with humanity to sustain our cry for peace
– It is an arm of prayer in the midst of divisions and conflicts
We hope that the twenty-four hours a day will be covered from different parts of the world with this prayer and inspire many to renew the commitment to live and promote dialogue and peace “In the midst of divisions and conflicts” as we pray in the Harmony Prayer.